what is ribs

1 Answers

  1. caawiye Admin

    “Ribs” typically refers to the curved bones that form the ribcage in vertebrates, including humans. The ribcage surrounds and protects the chest cavity, which houses vital organs like the heart and lungs. In humans, there are 12 pairs of ribs. The upper seven pairs are called “true ribs” because they are directly attached to the sternum (breastbone), while the lower five pairs are known as “false ribs” – some attach indirectly to the sternum or share cartilage connections.

    Aside from the anatomical context, “ribs” can also refer to a culinary dish. In this context, ribs usually mean cuts of meat, often pork or beef, that are cooked and enjoyed, typically through grilling, smoking, or baking. Barbecue ribs, for example, are a popular dish in many cultures and are known for their flavorful and sometimes tangy sauces.

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